
Domains of Treatment

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The level of treatment for cancer in Korea is
known to be the world’s finest, as can be
shown in the “5 year net survival rate”
which is the cumulative probability of
survival 5 years after a patient is
diagnosed with cancer.

The numbers show the level of
diagnosis for cancer is was higher compared
to the OECD everage of 17.2% and 83.7%.
In particular, the level of treatment for
colorectal cancer and stomach cancer is
among the highest among OECD countries.

5 year net survival rate after cancer diagnosis


‘Health at a Glance 2019’ based on the data from 2017 released by OECD


In the case of robotic arm surgeries,
1/3 of the 95 robotic arm systems in Asia
are installed in Korea, and over 200,000 cases of
surgery are performed per year.

Most advanced general hospitals have systems
which minimize the burden on patients by
collecting the opinions of globally qualified
specialists regarding the condition of the patient
and providing customized treatment
in a short amount of time.


The reason why treating cancer in Korea is
sought after is that it provides a world class
treatment service based on detailed
cancer diagnosis and
ample clinical experience, while the cost for
it is relatively low compared to the
costs for treatment in the United States,
Europe or Israel.
